Paolo Pedercini for IGDA Italy
Video postcard made for IGDA’s Italian chapter and Global Game Jam 2011 by Paolo Pedercini (italian only, sorry).
Video postcard made for IGDA’s Italian chapter and Global Game Jam 2011 by Paolo Pedercini (italian only, sorry).
Sometimes I need to create an empty branch that do not share an ancestor with one of the other branches.
This can be achieved with the following commands:
$ git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/branchname
$ rm .git/index
$ git clean -fd
Or alternatively:
$ git checkout --orphan branchname
$ git rm -rf .
That’s it. Now just do some some work and commit to the branch.
Just a quick note for myself:
$ git push :refs/tags/tag_to_delete
That’s all.
Arduino The Documentary is finally out.
I find it very annoying when, in the middle of a video playback I have to move the mouse to avoid the screensaver to start.
To solve this, I wrote a little utility to inhbit any screensaver by moving up and down the mouse pointer every 5 minutes or so automatically. It also hides the mouse cursor so that it doesn’t show up in the middle of the screen:
The code is also on GitHub.